See, I grew up in Canada where the Summer is full of fun, activity, and fresh, delicious fruits and veggies, with something going on every weekend.
Then Fall comes, and it’s a perfect time when the leaves are changing, you bring out your sweaters and get cozy, plan a few hikes because it’s just that beautiful.
But then come the cooler temperatures, the days get shorter, more wet and grey, and then Winter hits, and all is lost.
Ok that was a bit dramatic, not ALL is lost, but you’d do anything to stay inside, under the covers, watching movies all day and just eating to your heart’s content, like a bear in hibernation, amiright?
So, how can we stay motivated?
Acknowledge it
Be aware that you’re going to feel less motivated. I mean, they don’t call it SAD (seasonal affective disorder) for nothing.
Listen to your body. We use up a lot more energy in the cold weather, even just to heat our bodies. If you need to rest, rest, if you need to move, move – you can do both these things in the comfort of your own home if need be.
Up your vitamin D.
As per WebMD, here’s a list of Vitamin D rich foods:
- Fatty fish, like tuna, mackerel, and salmon
- Foods fortified with vitamin D, like some dairy products, orange juice, and cereals
- Beef liver
- Cheese
- Egg yolks
Vitamin D is important for bone health, along with Calcium, and keeping your immunity strong.
Set SMART goals
Specific. Measurable. Actionable. Realistic. Timely.
When you set SMART goals, you’re essentially taking your intentions to the next level in terms of being clear (the WHAT) and setting out an action plan (the HOW).
Get your support system in place
Share your goals with your loved ones, be it friends, family or your furry friend. All of these people want you to succeed and want you to be happy, but they’re not mind readers.
If you need people that are near and dear to encourage you, they will do so with love, you just have to ask and make your intentions known.
Track your progress
Make a fun calendar at home or at the office where you can see and track your progress. Have it somewhere visible and make it colourful so that it inspires you and brightens your day.
Reward yourself
When you accomplish your goals, even the ones you think are not a big deal but deep down you know they are, like saying no to junk food for the day at the office, or sticking to your workout routine for the week, celebrate it!
Do something special.
Go for a massage, get a facial, buy some shoes or that book that you’ve been wanting to read. Call up an old friend that you miss, but haven’t talked to in a while.
Whatever it is, make it something that will light you up even more, something that makes your heart sing.
Do something different
That hobby you always wanted to get into or even better, make it social!
Have a game night or DIY party, maybe even a potluck where you can all make something and bring with for everyone to enjoy.
Got a new recipe that you’ve been wanting to try? Grab a friend, or make a night with your honey to make it.
Find a buddy
Whether it’s a workout buddy some other form of activity where you need some accountability.
When you know someone is counting on you, you are less likely to make excuses or bail altogether.
Join a fitness challenge
Or create a challenge for you and at least one buddy to do.
You’re welcome to join my free fitness challenge that I started for people (and myself) that want to exercise daily. A group of great accountability buddies supporting each other to make it happen.
Our next challenge starts October 15th!
Be a role model
How many people would LOVE to have someone right in front of them making it happen.
I don’t know about you, but I always feel so amazing when I’m helping someone, so when I’m able to inspire people to take positive action, or action period, towards their goals, it brings me so much joy.
Remember the end result
Go back to WHY you do what you do in the first place. Was it to lose weight? get back to healthy? have more energy?
Whatever the reason or intention, bring it to the surface whenever you feel discouraged or like you’re having one of those days.
I hope I’ve given you some ideas to stay on track with your health and wellness goals. If you find yourself feeling stuck or unmotivated, please feel free to connect with me on Facebook.
How do you stay motivated during the Fall & Winter Season?
Join me for more strategies and insights that will help you lead a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.
Until next time,
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