
Finance. What a loaded concept slash word slash thought. Life. What a loaded concept/word/thought. You see what I did there? hehe

When it comes to your health and eating, it’s easy to forget that you are a unique being. It seems that most people, in their quest for the perfect, flawless body, assume that the latest fad diet advertised on the newsstand must be the way to a better looking version of themselves.

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” Anne Lamott Unplugging - the digital detox of disconnecting from technology: our smartphones, tablets, laptops, televisions, etc.

I felt like I've been chasing the summer since last August when I left home to embark on a trip of a lifetime. It might be because I'm a summer baby, a Leo to be more precise, but I think it's the food more than anything.

Ok, so I've been trying out a few brunch recipes in the clean eating department, and I made these delicious no bake cranberry coconut energy bites - they were a huge hit.

This week I bring you the banana mango smoothie!

Who here moisturizes their skin everyday? If you asked me 6 months ago, I would have said 'NOT ME!' ... like usual, I was taking my body, and my skin health, for granted and expecting it to just take care of itself.

I'm switching things up this week because I have been diving into this whole new fun world of Do It Yourself a.k.a. DIY.

Last week, we talked about stress: what is happening in our body when we experience 'stress', ways to recognize stress and ways to prevent, support and handle stress.

I don't think you realize just how much stress impacts your life on any given day. I mean, we all have those situations where we feel stressed: An upcoming deadline, managing your finances, rushing to get your kids to school or yourself to work...

Water... that's right, I said it: WATER!I don't know about you, but I used to think coffee first thing in the morning was just what I needed to wake up, but I could not have been more wrong.

Or maybe you heard from the legendary Danny Tanner from Full House when you were little (probably dating myself here hehe).

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