Why? Because it is the answer to this question that motivates us to make the decisions we make.
Like when you decide to…
- get the chicken salad vs. the chicken wings or burger with a side of sweet potato fries vs. regular fries.
- use reusable bags or no bags vs. plastic bags
- cook vs. eat out
- stop eating by 7pm vs. snacking all through the night
- do it yourself vs. buying
- take a chance doing something you love vs. doing something that’s comfortable and pays the bills
I guess what I’m saying is that this rings true for all aspects of your life. There is a direct correlation with your why and your success with any life goal. Let’s take Health as an example.
What’s your “Why” for enjoying a healthy diet?
This defines your true motivation for why you want to be healthy because it adds feeling and emotion to your goal, which makes it easier to achieve.
Most people are not motivated by numbers on a scale, but they can picture themselves having more energy, feeling great, or even fitting into those clothes.
Focusing solely on your weight will leave you always stepping on the scale and analyzing the results with your calculator. How boring, right?
Health is so much more than a number! Here are just a few very important reasons that might make your personal “Why Be Healthy List”. Can you connect with any of these? I know I sure do!
- Increased energy to do what you love
- Avoid and eliminate toxins in everyday life
- Ability to choose what you eat, instead of being controlled by cravings
- Feeling more confident and comfortable in your own skin
- A sense of balance and awareness with your life
- Serving as an example to others
- Living longer and with more joy
This picture right here, this is of my hotel snacks today.
Now, there was a time where this picture would have shown a bag of chips, a gummie of some kind, and a chocolate bar or two.
My WHY is stronger than ever, can you tell?!
The Key to Healthy Eating
People ask me all the time: How do you do it? How did you stop eating at night? How did you say no to things like chips and chocolate?
First off, don’t think that I don’t eat that stuff.
I choose to…
- eat before 7pm because I know I will not sleep well, that I will wake up feeling disgusting, and I will not be productive the next day.
- eat more veggies and fruits and drink more water because I know this will make me feel more alert, more productive and better about myself.
- make my own products because I know what’s in it, and I know that labels don’t tell the whole story.
I’m not perfect, I mean there’s no such thing – like it’s not like I never eat past 7 or I never have days where I could’ve drank more water or eaten better, but it’s how often that matters. We all need our cheat days, or else what’s the point?!
Food for Fuel
All I know is that counting calories doesn’t work! It’s just another way to fit food into the “numbers game”, but you’ll miss the bigger picture.
Food is your fuel, not a mathematical equation. Food nourishes you on a deep level and goes far beyond a point, an ounce, a calorie or a fat gram.
Learning to listen to your body and discover what truly nourishes you is the key to healthy eating.
Freeing yourself from the endless cycle of number crunching, willpower and deprivation is the way to truly balanced eating. And once you get there, you’ll never look back. Take it from me, I’ve never felt better.
Now I know how to choose food in a whole new way that gives me energy.
When someone wants to lose weight, they soon discover their true motivation was something else – the weight was just a side effect of the real motivation to increase energy, curb late night cravings, learn how to manage stress, or achieve balance in life – just to name a few!
When our emotions are out of balance, be it irritability, sadness, anxiety or stress, we may be led to make poor food choices.
The fuel you choose can either alleviate your emotional state, calming you, grounding you, giving you long-lasting energy; or it can aggravate and intensify your emotional state.
Once you understand your own personal “Why”, you can use it as motivation to overcome any emotional or physical obstacle that may be trying to keep you from your health goals.
Your why will keep you going on days you don’t want to.
Start with determining your own “Why” and let that serve as the foundation to help you reach your goals. And like I said, this doesn’t just apply to health, it applies to every aspect of life.
About the Author
Natalia is a Certified Wellness Coach through the International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP), a Yin Yoga Teacher, a #1 Best Selling Author, an Independent International Distributor with Young Living, and holds an MBA and CPA.
Natalia is now dedicated to helping people get back to healthy, clean living so that they can have the energy and mindset to live their best life.
Her passion for wellness and helping people comes through in her blog writing as well as in her signature Make it Happen mentorship program geared towards people who are feeling stuck or in a rut so that they can finally get clear and live their life on purpose.
Before transitioning into her role as a Wellness Coach, Natalia worked at one of the top Canadian Wealth Management firms in Canada, acting not only as a coach and mentor to her staff, but also as acting co-chair and mentor to women enrolled in their Women’s Mentorship Program.
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