How decluttering can change your life and impact your wealth

Don't we all just want to feel better, start a dream business, and make the life we say we want a reality? Well that's what us entrepreneurs have in common.

After all, we didn’t work hard all of our lives to feel lost, overwhelmed, and out of control, amiright?!

If you know me well, you know that I’m all about helping entrepreneurial women get their mojo back by creating an aligned vision and success habits so they can go on to create their dream business and make the life they say they want a reality. 

Wellness 360 Wheel
Wellness 360 Wheel

It’s about taking a holistic approach to life – the Wellness 360 Approach – and using solid business strategy to make it happen. 

Lucky for you, I’ve got my MBA and CPA and a Wellness Coaching Certification with the International Association of Wellness Professionals, and have built 2 business, so I know a thing or two about Wellness and Business.

It’s why I’m so passionate about my Wellness for Wealth movement and growing Academy.   

Clutter is just a bad old habit. 

Clutter is a bad old habit – why? Because clutter represents what you’re currently tolerating in your life – it’s that simple! 

And, these habits developed over time, likely since you were a child, which makes it one of the hardest habits to break. 

This month is we’re focused on the Relationship Life Element of the Wellness 360 Wheel. The Relationship you have with yourself is the one that is most important. 

What is Clutter?

Clutter represents chaos, mess, and overwhelm.

Declutter represents structure, cleanliness and clarity.

Let’s think now of the relationship with yourself as it relates to money and your financial wellness. 

The things that you’re tolerating, especially if you hold on to broken or torn items in your life, are reflective of how you believe you deserve to show up in the world and what you believe you should receive.

One of my coaches taught me: How you do anything is how you do everything. 

How long you keep receipts for in your wallet or purse is likely going to reflect in your finances as not having a clear picture of what you’re spending and saving. 

Does your wallet close? If it’s so packed that you can’t close it, where else in your life or business is that showing up? Do you take on too much perhaps?

When you open your purse, can you find things? 

If you’re purse has tons of crap in it, I mean it’s understandable, we have a lot we need to be ready for… they don’t call me mucho preparo for nothing, but there is a limit. This can represent patterns of scattered thoughts and behaviours or lack of focus.

Do you carry cash on hand in your purse or just credit cards? If you do have cash, is it all small coins or do you have some nice, crisp bills too?

Do you feel guilty about decluttering presents that were given to you by other people?

STOP! The reality is you’re holding on because you feel bad throwing it away.

Limiting belief around clutter… 

It comes down to this underlying belief that a lot of women have that you have to be grateful for what you’re given, or you get what you’re given. 

Beggars can’t be choosers is another one… I know, I used to say this too, but deep down it’s what causing you to hold onto to that kind of clutter in your life, which can be highly symbolic in and of itself. 

We’ll talk more about the Finance Life Element in April.

The universe works in mysterious ways, so be intentional.

Denise Duffield Thomas is one of my money mindset mentors and speaks about this topic regularly – I told you I was reading her book Chillpreneur, right? My new favourite book next to Jen Sincero – You are a Badass

Honestly! Such a great audiobook!

Declutter is great for manifesting money because you let go of stuff that doesn’t work in your life, that doesn’t fill you with joy. 

Every item you have should give you that, JOY kind of feeling.

When you’re afraid to let it go because you feel bad throwing it out… turn that into: This no longer serves me, but let me see if I can give it away, reuse the fabric, and if not, well, you did your best. 

There is an environmental impact, no doubt, but this also raises our community and environmental awareness so we can make better choices going forward.

The universe works in mysterious ways. If you hold onto things out of fear, then you’re really showing the Universe that you don’t believe something better is coming.

It’s like dating the wrong guy and not wanting breakup because he’s a good man, but you’re on different levels, or he’s not even deserving – this one goes in all sorts of directions, but you’re not only hurting yourself, you’re hurting the other person.

I mean try your best, but if it’s no longer there, and it’s no longer fun, then something’s gotta change. 

Clarity and New Ideas

The other thing is that if you get clear and make way for new ideas, good things will come. 

Physical clutter can lead to other types of clutter, like mental and emotional clutter, which essential oils can really help support by the way.

It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed in your life or business if you’re surrounded by crap, and from an entrepreneurial point of view, you’ve got to clear that space so that you can bring in some new creative ideas.

Are you holding on to old things from the past, old courses, business materials, brochures, business cards or stock, speaking of business cards, the idea of an e-card came up or where you print one, pin it on yourself, and then people take a picture of you along with your card… food for thought… 

Just get rid of the old stuff because it affects your income. How’s that for inspiration?! 

You’re more likely to take action in your business and in your life if you’re in a clean, clutter-free environment: FACT

How Do You declutter:

Here are some more ideas for you that I got from Denise and that I use myself – I highly recommend diffusing purification or abundance essential oils during any declutter:

  • Unsubscribe from newsletters you don’t read anymore
  • Clean out your Kindle of books you didn’t like
  • Delete old contacts from your phone
  • Do a Facebook Friend clean-up
  • Change your passwords to represent your new goals
  • Declutter your office junk drawers
  • Delete that unfinished novel you have NO enthusiasm for anymore
  • Back up and clean off your computer now to make room for your new one
  • Clean off your keyboard and computer screen
  • Shred old client files
  • Clear off your to read list of books if you didn’t get past the first chapter. (You have permission to not finish them)
  • Take your personal email address off your website
  • Delete old websites or courses, even if they get some traffic
  • Shred old tax information (you have to keep it for a certain amount of time but after that.. SHRED)
  • Declare Inbox bankruptcy and delete everything!
  • Get rid of all those random cables “ you won’t miss them!
  • Delete draft blog posts that will never see the light of day
  • Unpublish books you don’t want your name on anymore
  • Have a close out sale of old stock or anything you don’t want to sell anymore
  • Recycle, trash or delete old marketing materials
  • Decommission services you don’t want to offer any more, even if you’re really good at it
  • Kill your biggest selling program if you can’t stand running it anymore (or turn it into a different format, eg, live course into home study program)
  • Fire clients you don’t want to work with anymore (or don’t let them renew)
  • Remove yourself from Facebook groups that add nothing to your day
  • Fire suppliers who don’t offer 100% First Class service
  • Say no to networking groups that have become an obligation, not a joy
  • Retire yourself from volunteer positions or groups you no longer want to serve
  • Cancel subscriptions that you never use
  • Do an audit of all business expenses
  • Consider all of your team positions to make sure they are adding value to your company
  • Renegotiate a business arrangement or joint venture that doesn’t work anymore
  • Quit hobbies you want to give up (no time, outgrown the group, don’t enjoy it anymore)
  • Un-RSVP to an invitation from people you’ve outgrown

Some cool ideas…

You know how we go through a ton of wrapping paper? If you’re looking to go green, I want to give a shoutout to Wrappucino ( who are saving the planet one gift at a time.

I’m not affiliated or anything, but I was so blown away by this concept, I had to share.

One of the owners was at a networking event here in Marbella. She brought out this Eco-friendly, original, creative gorgeous Wrapping paper and showed us how to wrap 2 wine bottles, 1 wine bottle, and a book. The idea originated in Japan, and it’s actually customary to give the paper back afterwards. 

Here is their brochure if you’re interested in checking it out.

Inspired action brings income

I’m passionate about decluttering because I know personally how life changing it can be but also how hard it is to overcome. 

I also know that when I got serious and did a declutter challenge, I manifested over $500!

I know it’s hard but just commit, put it in the planner, and get to it, because the sooner you do, the more wealth you will generate, not just in your bank account, but in other areas of your life as well. 

This concept is part of Module 1 of my Success System so if you need help or you want to know what the other steps are book a strategy call with me. 

If you got value from today, comment, like and share or reach out to me directly, I love hearing from you. 

Lots of love!

PS Check out the new Wellness for Wealth Academy – courses are constantly being created and added with you, the entrepreneurial woman in mind. See something missing? Reach out and let me know.

PPS Catch the replay HERE

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