When you're stuck in a rut, one of the first things you can do is to look at what you're eating. Having a variety in your snacks and meals is a super important factor in how you feel every day.
When you're stuck in a rut, one of the first things you can do is to look at what you're eating. Having a variety in your snacks and meals is a super important factor in how you feel every day.
If you're the type of person that wakes up easily and feels great all day, there's really no reason to read on because chances are you're getting enough sleep and you're NOT hitting the snooze button, dare I say not even waking up with an alarm. (It all makes sense now!)But if not, I think you're going to want to read this...
So you're curious about journaling, and wondering just what the hey is the hype all about anyway? Well, here are 8 reasons everyone is journaling these days:
When was the last time you sat down and really thought about what kind of life you want? I mean no limits, if you could be, do and have anything in the world, what would it be?
If you're like me, when you started searching around for resources on how to live clean and eat healthy, there were a few things about essential oils that kept coming up. Or, maybe even some friends have been talking about it.
This month, we're doing a 10-Day Push-Up Challenge! It starts May 15th!
It happens to the best of us, the us that works hard and plays hard, the us that checks all the boxes that we were taught to a good education so you can get a good job so you can get nice car and a nice house, so you can raise your family and live happily ever after.
This is a quick and effective way to get into a daily workout routine and get fit! - you know, the one you've been telling yourself that you're going to start tomorrow ;)
March 16, 2018: today I became a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach 😊
For all you Scarface movie lovers, I thought you'd get a kick out of the title, but on a serious note, this is all about pain - Pain in your hips, glutes, upper back... whatever and wherever it is.
Change. Be adaptable. Get out of your comfort zone. Take chances. Face fears. Any of these sound familiar? They sure do ring a bell for me.
November 18, 2017: From Zurich, with a stopover in Dubai, and there I was, in Denpasar, Bali. When I landed, I'll be honest, I was a complete wreck.
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